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Publikation: Dissertationsschrift

Applying ischemia and reperfusion in the cremaster muscle model to identify the role of Toll-like receptor 2 and 4 and their intracellular pathways on stem cell homing


Titel Applying ischemia and reperfusion in the cremaster muscle model to identify the role of Toll-like receptor 2 and 4 and their intracellular pathways on stem cell homing
Erscheinungsjahr 2020
Verlag Universität Rostock
Verlagsort Rostock
Publikationsform Elektronische Ressource
Publikationsart Dissertationsschrift
Sprache Englisch
DOI 10.18453/rosdok_id00002889
Letzte Änderung 29.01.2021 06:05:16
Bearbeitungsstatus durch UB Rostock abschließend validiert
Dauerhafte URL http://purl.uni-rostock.de/fodb/pub/64922
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We aimed to identify the impact of TLR2 and TLR4 and their intracellular signaling routes namely MyD88 and TRIF pathways on stem cell homing. We utilized a well-established intravital microscopic examination of the cremaster microvasculature. Our results showed that IR enhances stem cell-endothelial interaction. Our data explains the decisive role of TLR2 and TLR4 in stem cell homing following IR. Our results exhibited the importance of intracellular signaling pathways of TLRs with peculiar significance of MyD88 pathway in regulating stem cell trafficking after ischemia and reperfusion.


Abubaker, Saifullah