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Publikation: Dissertationsschrift

The contexts of partnership and childbearing as determinants of union stability


Titel The contexts of partnership and childbearing as determinants of union stability
Untertitel a quantitative analysis on western and eastern German partnerships with data from the German Family Panel
Erscheinungsjahr 2014
Publikationsform Elektronische Ressource
Publikationsart Dissertationsschrift
Sprache Englisch
Letzte Änderung 14.02.2015 02:13:48
Bearbeitungsstatus durch UB Rostock abschließend validiert
Dauerhafte URL http://purl.uni-rostock.de/fodb/pub/47107
Links zu Katalogen Diese Publikation in der Universitätsbibliographie Diese Publikation im GBV-Katalog


This dissertation analyzes the union stability of western and eastern German couples with children based on detailed retrospective data. The results of this study show that the majority of the mothers were not married at the time of the conception of the first child, but especially western German mothers tended to marry thereafter. The most important finding of this study is that eastern and western German parents do not differ in their union stability, despite the different contexts in which they live.


Schnor, Christine


WSF/Institut für Soziologie und Demographie (IfSoz)